21 plus age limit icon

Are you 21 or older?

Indacloud products are only for use in states where the sale and consumption of such products are legal. By clicking YES, I certify that I am over the age of 21 and will comply with the above statement.

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Indacloud is here to give you what you came looking for. An incredible time, a good laugh, a great sleep, or a vacation from reality. The only thing we take seriously is making sure everyone is happy. So, we do a damn good job of having the safest and greatest products on the market at incredible prices.

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Honestly speaking, we just love cannabis and always have.

Our story starts back in the good ol’ days, when getting high was simply a choice of smoking a joint or a pipe. The only strain name was the one our dealer made up, such as, Smiling Buddha Sugar Candy Unicorn Crystal Kush, even though it was always the same “Bush Kush”. Where we would wait for hours for them to respond and then hope they actually showed up. Paying the guy using change found in our collective couches. Picking out all the stems and seeds was second nature, and of course fighting over who got to roll the joint. Finding a good smoke spot started with asking the important questions like which friends’ parents are cool with a bunch of red-eyed munchie monsters emptying out their pantries? Who’s neighbor isn’t a “Karen”? Or who’s N64 had 4 working controllers?
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Long story short, as we got older, more boring, and the responsibilities of real life started adding up, we all looked back on these memories as some of
our favorites.

Before we knew it the Farm Bill of 2018 got passed and the world of legal hemp based cannabis exploded. Within a few months we did the only logical thing we could do, begged our wives, convinced our parents, and took a massive leap of faith. Sure, there were already a few cannabis companies around but in our eyes, we could do it better, much better.

Sure enough, our passion for a good high and our love for the perfect cannabis experience is what got us here today and we couldn’t be happier than to have all of you as part of our journey.
Dare we say it, we’ve come a long way and crafted a perfect experience.

With an incredible choice of delicious edibles, easy-to-use vapes, smooth smokables, and couch-lockingly strong concentrates, we’ve got something for just about everyone. The crazy thing for us is that we get to offer you the best quality products at incredible prices and you can order right from your couch. You can guarantee that you are getting safe and consistent products every time, made in small batches, lab tested, with love, laughs, and nostalgia.


Sure, we’re a business and we sell products, but that doesn’t scratch the surface of what we’re trying to do here.

Cannabis is a miracle, It should be shared, respected, and appreciated. Beyond that, it’s an incredible outlet for fun and relaxation.

Life gets serious way too quickly, and we’re here to provide a safe and easy way to turn off the BS.
Now, we’re not trying to throw shade at all the other cannabis companies out there, but a big reason we started Indacloud was to do EVERYTHING better, and we do.
From research and development, customer service, product selection, to every imaginable detail, we spare no expense with no detail overlooked.

Our team’s favorite question is “What can we do to make our customers happy?” We can confidently say you’ll find the answer to this when you try any of our products. Our quality and pricing just can’t be beaten.


That was just the start of this incredible journey to follow along in real time and have a few unexpected laughs please click below to check out our Instagram.